Since yesterday was Thanksgiving, I thought I'd share,
15 things that I am thankful for.....
1. A loving, supportive husband that works hard to provide for our family. He is selfless, honest, and an amazing father.
2. Two beautiful, healthy children who give me joy; the gift of motherhood; and that I am financially able to stay at home with them.
3. To have been raised in a very loving home, to wonderful parents who taught me right from wrong; and for six siblings whom I have created fond memories with.
4. My faith; that Heavenly Father watches over me and for all that He has blessed me with.
5. My Savior, Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice; that He suffered for not only my sins, but for all my emotional pain and sorrow as well.
6. A roof over my head, a bed to sleep in, clothes on my back, food to eat--and relatively good health; to have full use of all my senses--sight, hearing, etc.
7. To live in a free country and currently in a town where I feel safe--and for all the brave men and women who serve in the military, police officers, and fire-fighters.
8. Modern medicine and technology; for all of the doctors, scientists, inventors, and engineers--and all the brilliant people in the world that make it a better place.
9. The beauty of the earth and all of God's creations.
10. The arts and entertainment--music, theatre, dance, art, etc; for all the gifts God has blessed me with; and that I enjoy my job as a part-time elementary school music teacher.
11. To have been financially able to get a formal education and graduate with a degree; and just for all that I have learned in my life so far.
12. All of the unique experiences and opportunities I have had in my life--good and bad; that I have been able to travel and see and do some amazing things.
13. Thoughtful friends and their kind acts of service.
14. Conveniences like computers and the internet--including online shopping, Google search, and social media to stay in contact with family and friends; as well as other conveniences like fast-food restaurants and grocery stores.
15. Inventions like the telephone, television, radio, light bulb, electricity, indoor plumbing, automobiles, and airplanes.
And there is always more I could add to this list! Every person's situation is different, and the trials he or she goes through. But there is always so much to be grateful for, even amidst adversity--no matter what our circumstances are. With depression and anxiety, I naturally tend to have negative thinking patterns. But when I start thinking about all the things I'm grateful for, my attitude changes. I have a more positive outlook on life. So develop a daily routine, either first thing when you wake up, or right before bed (and any moment throughout the day when you catch yourself in self-pity)--and either say aloud or write down 3 good things that happened today, or blessings you are grateful for. With consistent effort, you'll find that you've become more humble and a little happier.
Check out these iPhone apps to guide you in having a heart of gratitude:
So, what are you grateful for?
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