Jun 17, 202016 min read
My Miracle Baby's Birth Story
I was in active home. So I called 911. My baby was in a single footling breech with a prolapsed umbilical cord.
May 10, 20195 min read
Signs of Postpartum Depression
I remember the flood of emotions I experienced when I gave birth to my first child and became a mother. This is it....there is no turning...
Feb 15, 20192 min read
You Know You're A Mom When....
Your idea of a break is being able to pee or shower alone. You say "I need to go potty" in an adult conversation. You forget how to talk...
Feb 8, 20194 min read
7 Creative Date Ideas on a Budget
There's always the go-to dates of a romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant or a fun night at the movies. Which are both nice of course....
Jan 19, 20197 min read
Surviving Military Deployment and Long-distance Relationships
You've heard the saying, "Distance makes the heart grow fonder," right? There is truth to that for sure. You don't realize what you have...
Jan 11, 20194 min read
Parenting 101: Basic Tips You Must Know
In 2013 I became a mother--and my whole world changed. Two years later I had another child. Yes, there's been stress, anxiety,...
Nov 9, 20187 min read
Adjusting to Change Throughout the Chapters of Our Lives
The gradual transitions in nature are beautiful. Summer turns into Fall. Daylight fades into night. Flowers bloom and gardens grow. I...
Oct 12, 20187 min read
Coping with Miscarriage
I never thought it would happen to me. And it's more common than some people realize. Studies show that anywhere from 10-25% of all...
Aug 10, 20183 min read
Strengths and Weaknesses in Marriage
Within the past 7.5 years, I have learned a lot about not only how I can improve my marriage as a whole, but about myself as an...
Jul 26, 20183 min read
Welcome to Harmony High Road
Hey guys! I'm so excited to officially launch this blog and my newly designed website! I look forward to sharing my thoughts with you,...