I'm back! December gets crazy busy with the holidays and everything, as you know. So now that things have slowed down a bit, I'm back to posting every week.
So here's what I have been busy with lately....I work part-time as a K-8th grade music teacher in a remote area of Montana, and have done so for four years. I also incorporate a little theatre and dance into it. I love it! Very fun and rewarding. Small class size makes it less overwhelming and more personable. It's very laid back. Flexible hours and curriculum, and excellent pay too. I'm able to be at home with my kids most of the time, which is important to me--while also enjoying a break and outlet for me, once a week. And then I usually teach three days a week in November and December in preparation for the Christmas program, each school year. That's when it gets a little more stressful.
This video is a little montage of all the mini-musicals I have directed--"Starry Night, Noisy Night," "Once on a Housetop/December in Our Town." "The Nutcracker Suite," and just a couple weeks ago, we did "A Snow White Christmas." Lots of fun!
K-8th Grade School Christmas Programs 2014-2018

I also enjoy putting on little summer camps for kids, which, in the small town I live, there aren't very many extra-curricular activities and resources available. So it makes it extra rewarding because the parents are very appreciative, and the kids get super excited. It's also a fun way to earn a little extra cash. A few years ago I taught a bi-weekly Jazz/Ballet combo class for 6 weeks, with a casual recital at the end for parents.

And then this past summer I did a 4-day "Broadway Bootcamp," which included a music, theatre, and dance class (and then the last day we put it all together and welcomed parents to watch what their children learned).
Here are video montages from those events as well:
Allred Academy of Dance Recital
Broadway Bootcamp

Here are three sample music, theatre, and dance lesson plans (free downloads) that I have come up with and have used in the past.
On a different note (no pun intended ha)....it's New Year's Eve! So what are your New Year's resolutions? I'll share mine and write more about that in my next post.
From a previous blog post of mine (Setting Goals, Making Memories--and the Bahamas!).....
Achieving your dreams, no matter what it may be, starts with setting a goal. Have an action plan with smaller goals to help you reach the bigger goal.
There is a popular acronym used to guide you for setting goals.
Realistic Time-bound
Having someone know about your goal, to keep you accountable, can also help you to follow through and be successful.
Hope you all have a fun and safe night! Happy New Year!
#lifeasanelementaryschoolmusicteacher #musiclessonplans #theatrelessonplans #dancelessonplans #broadwaybootcamp #christmasprogram #happynewyear
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